The ghost town of Silent Hill that will burn for 250 years

The ghost town of Silent Hill that will burn for 250 years

Come witness the haunting beauty and eerie history of Centralia, PA – the ghost town that has been burning since 1962!

Centralia is one of the original dark tourism destinations located in Colombia County, Pennsylvania. Commonly known as “Silent Hill Pennsylvania,” it is an abandoned ghost town that I spent the day exploring; a ghost town that’s sitting atop of a raging underground mine fire that caused the town’s evacuation (almost) overnight.

The fire started in 1962 next to the Odd Fellows Cemetery when the local fire department was burning trash for an upcoming holiday celebration. None of these geniuses realized that the burning trash fire would ignite a nearby coal seam and begin to burn underground. Once fully involved, multiple, unsuccessful attempts were made to extinguish the underground mine fire, all at enormous cost to the taxpayers.

The town co-existed with the mine fire for some time while the government tried to find a solution to the disaster.  It wasn’t until conditions became hazardous, forcing the local gas station to close and a young boy falling into a sinkhole that forced the government to take action.

In 1984, the government authorized the relocation of the remaining residents to nearby towns, and the remaining structures destroyed. Oddly, the infrastructure (roads and sidewalks) were left in-tact; all you see are remnants of a town that used to exist.

In 2002, the US Post Office revoked Centralia’s zip code, and today an estimated ten people are living there (down from its peak of 2,400 residents in the 1940’s).

While the town doesn’t technically exist, it is very much still a dark tourism destination for many people.  Highway 61 had to be re-routed around the mine fire because the heat from the fire caused the ground to begin to collapse and the road to crack and follow. Walking around the town, you’ll find monitoring boreholes and gas vents – all signs of the evil demon below.

In modern-day movies, Silent Hill was partially inspired by Centralia’s ghost town, and you’ll find graffiti throughout referencing “the real silent hill.”

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