Unveiling Iceland’s Fury: Fagradalsfjall Volcano Eruption

Fagradalsfjall lower lava field in Natthagi valley

Witness the awe-inspiring power and beauty of Mother Nature firsthand by visiting the Fagradalsfjall Volcano – a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will leave you breathless!

Mother nature has been showing off in Iceland with the spectacular 2021 eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano. Located ~40 kilometers from Reykjavik on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Fagradalsfjall became (almost overnight) a massively popular tourist destination attracting adventure seekers, volcano enthusiasts, and photographers from around the world. 

All the shenanigans started in late December 2020 with near-constant earthquake swarms throughout the Reykjanes Peninsula. Vulcanologists had indicated very early on there was the movement of magma underground, and it was likely that it would erupt soon.

Fast forward to March 19, 2021, and it happened; magma breached the surface, bringing the Fagradalsfjall volcano back to life after laying dormant for 6,342 years! 

Fagradalsfjall became an instant tourist attraction thanks to the internet and social media. I can remember a constant stream of pictures and drone footage of the show. What launched the volcano into viral stardom was the installation of live-streaming HD cameras at various locations around the eruption. With the click of a mouse, you could watch in real-time mother nature’s show at Fagradalsfjall.

What also made this eruption particularly enticing to tourists was the relative safety. Unlike the violent 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano which disrupted air travel between North American and Europe, Fagradalsfjall just kinda oozed lava out of the fissure in the earth’s crust and wasn’t particularly violent.

Through the viewfinder

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