Step Back in Time at the Acropolis of Athens

Step Back in Time at the Acropolis of Athens

Step back in time and experience the wonder of ancient Greece by visiting the Acropolis of Athens – a majestic site that will leave you breathless!

The Acropolis of Athens is perched 500′ above sea level on a plateau in the middle of Athens. The plateau is home to Parthenon, Propylaea, Erechtheion, and Temple of Athena Nike and make up this ancient citadel, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Getting to the Acropolis is very easy from anywhere inside Athens with a short taxi or bus ride. Be ready for the trek up (what seems like) a million steps to get to the top – there are no elevators or escalators.

Propylaea is the monumental gateway to the Acropolis and the beginning of your trek, exploring this fantastic destination. Standing directly in front of Propylaea, perched high above the pathways, is the Template of Athena Nike, a temple that was used for citizens to worship the goddess for success in the Peloponnesian War.

On the northern side of the property, Erechtheion stands there – just chilling. This temple served as a venue for the holiest relics of the Athenians since its construction around 421-406 B.C.

Restoration efforts began in 1975 and continue today. Centuries of neglect, pollution, and decay threaten this important historical site. Expect some of the places to be surrounded by scaffolding and cranes – making pictures challenging; During my visit, the Parthenon was covered. Thankfully, most of the other buildings have either been wholly restored or are nearing completion, ensuring the long-term survival of this important historical site.

Through the viewfinder

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