Dubai’s Marina District is a playground for the luxury experience

Dubai's Marina District is a playground for the luxury experience

Opulent luxury, towering skyscrapers and epic shenanigans in the middle of the desert.

Dubai’s Marina District is a human-made oasis in the middle of the desert; the scenery is stunning and well throughout to draw the most elite visitors to the area where high-end shopping, experiences, and “finer things in life” are virtually on every street corner. It’s easy to forget you’re in the desert while surrounded by massive high-rises, established infrastructure, and construction everywhere.

Unfortunately, the sustainability of Dubai is in question with the lack of natural resources – let’s be honest, the lush green fields of grass and manicured landscapes don’t exactly grow without water in a location that has none. 

If one were to rationalize and rank global tourist areas, it would go a little something like this:

  • Disney = Families with kids
  • Las Vegas = Young adults looking for hookers and blow
  • New York City = Adults, looking for the more exquisite experiences 
  • Dubai = Refined adults, looking for pure luxury

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