5 Creative Teaching Techniques to Make Learning Fun and Engaging

Education is a challenging activity for teachers as well as the learners. However, there is always a way of introducing fun into the classroom and this is by using insightful teaching methodologies.

In this article, we are going to discuss ten ideas with which aim to add fun to the process of learning and which will help learners understand the lesson better.

Such methods as gamification, where students engage in friendly competitions aimed at improving their knowledge, creative tasks where the student is actively involved in learning processes, all of these techniques are implemented in a way to address learner’s diversity.

Educationist has noted that bringing creativity to bear on their curriculum can help win the attention of students as well as help them understands otherwise complicated concepts easily.

If you are a teacher who wants to apply some elements of creativity in teaching or a learner who would wish to be entertained when learning then this article will be of great help to you as it will explain all that is entailed in creativity in teaching.

Keep on learning more to tell more about how to create effective and fun learning that would not bring boredom to the learners.

Benefits of making learning fun and engaging

One of the activities contingent on creativity in teaching is the conversion of the learning style from the receiving kind to the active type.

It is easier and less of a struggle to teach students when they are interested in what they are learning hence they will receive whatever is being taught more willingly. This in turn can have a host of other advantages that are not restricted to the teaching learning process.

There is one particular benefit of making learning fun: the child comprehends what he has been taught better.

When applicable, play, competition and things done by hands, the teachers probe natural curiosity and problem solving channels among students.

One advantage that can be derived from this is that it makes learning more enjoyable and at the same time, the knowledge is engraved in one’s memory for future use.

Moreover, motivation of students by making learning as much fun as possible will reduce disciplinary cases among students and improve health.

When students feel that they personally have staked something in it and are occupied with the learning process, they cannot afford to be disruptive or indifferent. This can result in having a conducive environment within the classroom, learners embracing a new culture of learning, and yearning to attain their dream goals and achievements.

Moreover, one can also associate creativity of the lesson approaches with the establishment of the friendly atmosphere among learners.

With the help of team assignments, tasks, and collaborative discourses teachers are able to foster such significant and valuable social and communication skills that are required in everyday life and work.

Such kind of collaborative learning does not only help in delivering high performance in academics but also inculcating skills required in the workplace in the twenty first century.


1.      Gamification: Turning lessons into games

As one of the best strategies of creative teaching, the use of games in the class is considered as being very efficient. This kind of implementation of points, challenges and scores etc. tantamount to using game aspects but in the learning situation.

If the teacher converts their subject lessons into games this will ensure that they appeal to the unseen automatic pursuit of challenges, achievements and rewards.

This method not only holds the focus of students but engages them to participate, as students try to earn points, go to the next level, or beat their classmates.

This is because gamification involves competition and reward system thus encourages a lot of excitement and enthusiasm in the learning process making the core offering remarkable.

In addition and consequently, it should also be noted that gamification can be adapted for various subjects and even for various goals of learning.

From the simple math quizzes in which pupils are supposed to respond as fast as possible giving correct answers to complex history role-play games in which children find out what it is like to live in ancient times gamification is a very flexible concept.

Incorporation of game mechanics with the learning objectives allows the teachers to facilitate and share with the students an interesting educational process that can be easily understood and followed by all the students, irrespective of their age and their ability to learn.

2.      Project-based learning: Real-world applications

One of the other methods that can be effective in teaching interesting and engaging students as well as improve the process of learning, is project-based learning.

This approach has the students work on creative and real-life activities that are aligned with the knowledge they have gained in class hence matches real-life scenarios.

Based on the implementation of project based learning in which students is expose to projects that have practical implications, it helps the student to learn and appreciate the course in question in a deeper level.

Students are not only receiving new knowledge which is assimilated by their brains but are involved in a process of solving problems with their peers, looking for information and applying their reason in order to come up with new ideas.

This type of learning not only enhances mastery of the subject matter but also aids in the development of 21st-century employable skills of learning, namely, learning how to learn, how to learn with others, deciding upon and defining learning needs, and how to solve real-world curricular problems and tasks.

What is more, by working in groups students learn how to present and sell their ideas, how to compromise and how to think creatively – skills highly important in the contemporary world.

3.      Collaborative learning: Discussions as well as group assignments.

Another ingredient of successful approaches to teaching is the attempt to establish a common working atmosphere.

When the students are grouped, and discussions are encouraged, the carrier involves a lot of interactions that help develop many aspects of the students such as social skills.

The cooperative learning activities including student group works, peer discussions and team problem solving assignments have several advantages for the learners.

First of all, they concern the opportunity for students to learn from their peers based on the different outlooks and backgrounds they have.

Not only does this make them more familiar with the content of the course, but also allows them to improve their verbal and non-verbal communication skills as well as to learn how to work in a team which is rather valuable skills in today’s world.

In addition, teamwork helps in building the structure of community in class thus improving the relationship among the learners.

In combining action for common purpose, students develop more interpersonal relations, enhance their personal and group values, and gain heightened understanding of the other student’s worth.

4.      Visual aids and multimedia: Improving understanding

Using graphic displays and other media in the classroom is another great idea in creative form of education that facilitates virtually improvement on students’ learning process.

Students of the current generation are used to receiving information through a variety of lenses and other sensory faculties and this makes the use of such tools compelling in the scheme of things.

Everything – from visually nice-established infographics and slides used in PowerPoint presentations to the interested videos and satisfactory simulations are among the most effective visual aids and multimedia that can help students to broaden their knowledge and remember it.

These teaching aids can concern the ability of the students to grasp the material during a class and later on, during their independent study since people tend to remember what they saw and heard.

The use of such visual image and multimedia can meet the educational needs with students with different learning styles so that all of the students have a chance to learn by the way they preferred.

For instance, students who are more graphic can perform better when provided with well illustrated organs and body parts while students with a strong auditory learning style can benefit when provided with Podcasts or videos.

5.      Personalized learning: Meeting each person’s unique requirements

Education being rich in its type and variety, acknowledging and approaching to the individual learner’s need and concerns is the key to successful teaching leaning process.

Personalized learning, an innovative teaching approach that adapts the classroom teaching process to the students, can be a valuable and effective approach towards the formation of an ideology of an integrate and inspiring educational process.

Knowing the child’s individual abilities, liabilities, and approach to learning allows teachers to tailor effective teaching methodologies as well as printed and electronic educational tools.

This could include differentiated instruction where the content is presented in different medium; for instance, visual, auditory or motion for the purpose of catering for all the students’ needs.

Further, there are also paradigms of personalized learning that are entailing sui generis technological enhancements, for instance, the software and learning platforms that tailor the difficulty and the frequency of the content being rehearsed by the student to the learner himself.

It can give immediate feedback, suggest individual plans and necessary actions, give focus on learner’s personal development helping learners to be more involved and actually participate engaging all their potential.


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